Mission & Vision

By , July 18, 2009 1:01 am


Our vision is to educate, organize and empower the rural poor to promote development as a liberating force aimed at social justice, economic growth and Self-reliance.

Our Mission

Our mission is to establish a just society, where no one remains hungry, unemployed, illiterate and exploited and to strive for self-reliance of community based organization and strengthen the capacities of people/ communities for identifying and solving their own problems.


  • To provide support to the rural community especially poor and backward communities to get themselves organise and initiate development processes and manage it for their own socio-economic development.
  • To create awareness among villagers and to motivate them for self – Employment.
  • To inform, educate and making people aware in order to eradicate child labour and disabilities.
  • To create awareness among villagers about better agriculture development and animal husbandry practices.
  • To facilitate community for rainwater harvesting and its effective utilization within the village.
  • To create awareness in parents on issues of child health, family planning and better health sanitation practices.
  • Advocating and bringing forward the problems and needs of poor.
  • Liaison with other NGOs, CBOs and network for jointly working on common issue.

Organization Strategy

Organisation strategy is based on the belief that people have the capacity to develop themselves, if aptly facilitated. The organization will promote activities, which would lead to economic growth, education and awareness of one’s right in the society.

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