Family Livelihood Resource Centre

By , December 17, 2013 3:40 am

Family Livelihood Resource Centre

The FLRC Project is funded by Aga kha Foundation and ARAVALI is coordinating and partnering the Project.


The main objective of the project is to develop and deliver a customized package of livelihood resources and support services, for sustainable income generation and enterprise promotion, of the poorest and the most vulnerable households in its area.

Key Focus Area:
1. To meet the specified agenda with the poorest of the poor families.
2. To analyze and verify the reasons of the present condition of the poorest of the poor families.
3. To link the poor families with various government policies.


  •  In the year 2011-2012, 76 families were supported by the FLRC team. Training programmes for these 76 families were organized  which taught them to manage and calculate monthly income and expenditure more efficiently.
  • Backyard Poultry:  20 families in Motipura village were taught best practices for backyard poultry which helped them in raising their income. Each family was given 40 chicks for backyard poultry. Regular consumption of eggs in the diet has helped 5 members of the family in treatment of tuberculosis. Each family was able to earn Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 1200/- per month.


  • Goat Rearing: 15 families in the village of Bhairokhera and Jetpura were taught efficient methods of goat rearing and were provided with 4 goats per family free of cost. They used goats for milk for self use and also sell young goats. The FLRC team ensured complete   health care and immunization of goats at regular periods. All 60 goats were insured by United India Insurance and an amount of Rs. 3500 was received by concerned family members on death of 5 goats. Each family was able to earn Rs. 3000 by selling goats.DSCN2984


  • Institutional linkages of 76 families with various financial government and non government organization.


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